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Hoodoo Sheet
(Connection Method)
Article © MAIL User: ArmoredDrake

This is an alternative way to make Hoodoo Sheet, without making unstable individual units that are liable to lose their form the second you touch them. This method uses 1-1-1 chains to make strings of units in a somewhat more stable way. The pictures use 14 ga 3/8” ID rings, which works well for the sheet version. To leave it as a chain may require slightly denser rings (I believe Blaise's listing recommends an AR of 2.9 for the chain).

So to start:
1. Make two 1-1-1 chains of whatever length you please. Lay them out so that the corresponding rings of each face opposite directions (i.e. Ring A of Chain 1 faces down, while Ring A of Chain 2 faces up).
Image: hoodoo.jpg

2. Place a ring through the eyes formed by the first two rings of each chain.
Image: hoodoo2.jpg

3. Place a second ring through the eyes formed by the second and third rings of each chain. You can now see the Hoodoo units forming.
Image: hoodoo3.jpg

4. The pattern should be pretty obvious now. Repeat to the end of the chain. At this point, you have a plain old Hoodoo chain, which you can now expand into a Hoodoo sheet.
Image: hoodoo4.jpg

5. To make the sheet, add another 1-1-1 chain next to the Hoodoo chain you have created. Once again, make sure that the rings have opposite leans to the adjacent chain. This new chain will have the same lean as the one on the very bottom.
Every ring in the 1-1-1 chain is new, but I’m young and impatient, so I didn’t color the whole thing red. Sorry if I have disappointed.
Image: hoodoo5.jpg

6. Once again, you are linking a new ring through the two chains, but this time it should also go through the vertical third ring in the part of the bottom chain.
Image: hoodoo6.jpg

7. And again, through three rings on the bottom, two on the top.
Image: hoodoo7.jpg

8. Et caetera to the end.
Image: hoodoo8.jpg

Keep expanding by adding 1-1-1 chains as you please.

Woohoo!! Hoodoo!!
Image: hoodoofinish.jpg
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