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Staggered Corduroy With Japanese Overlay
(With Beads)
Article © MAIL User: dreamweaver

Tutorial for the Staggered Corduroy With Japanese Overlay
Image: blue_corduroy_row_show.jpg

Image: back_blue_corduroy_row.jpg
To make this bracelet using this weave, you will need:
10 - 6 mm fibre optic beads
2 - Crimp tubes
25 cm of beading wire
20 - 14 gauge (G) 10 mm Inside Diameter (ID) sterling silver jump rings
65 - 18 G 5 mm ID sterling silver jump rings
Step 1: Close 4 (four) of the 18 G jump rings.
Open one of the 18 G jump rings and place the 4 (four) closed jump rings on it, close the opened jump ring.
Repeat Step 1. 10 (ten) more times.
Step 2:
Arrange 2 (two) sets of the jump rings into a
“basket” or “clover” (B/C) as shown.
Look at the image closely and make sure
you have your rings in the same configuration.
Image: figure4.jpg
Step 3.
Open 1 (one) of the 14 G jump rings and weave it
through 2 (two) of the rings on 1 (one) of a B/C units,
and 2 (two) rings on another B/C unit, as shown.

Repeat Step 3. until all of the B/C units 10 (ten)
are connected together with a 14 G jump ring.
Image: figure5.jpg
Step 4.
Open 2 (two) of the 18 G jump rings.
Using 1 (one) of the opened rings, loop it through each
of the B/C units rings on one side of the unit, making
sure that the new 18 G ring is inside the 14 G ring
added in Step 3.
Repeat this step using the second opened 18 G ring,
this time you are looping through the remaining 2 (two)
rings inside the 14 G ring added in Step 3.
Figure 6. Demonstrates the positioning of the
newly added 18 G rings.
Repeat Step 4 until all of the sets of rings
have been linked.
Image: figure6.jpg
Step 5.
Open 1 (one) 14 G ring and loop it through 4 (four) of
the cross-link rings (rings added in Step 4) as shown.
Note that the B/C rings are on the bottom of the weave.
Image: figure7.jpg
Once you have looped all of the cross-linking rings
using the 14 G rings you will notice that the weave has
contracted (shrunk in length). This happens because the
process of adding the 14 G rings “pulls” the weave
together and gives it a third dimension, the weave is
no longer flat as shown.
Now comes the fun part adding the beads to the weave.
Image: figure8.jpg
Step 6.
Using the beading wire and a crimp tube, crimp the
wire around the top orbit ring in the Corduroy Row Weave
as shown in Figure 9 inside the red outline box.
Trim off excess wire from the loose end, but leaving
enough to go into the bead being added in the next step.
Image: figure9.jpg
Step 7.
Add the bead to the wire as shown.

Then weave the beading wire under the ring the bead
sits in, and under the next orbital ring, making sure
you place the wire also between the 2 (two) vertical
rings. In the figure to the right, the red line
indicates the direction the beading wire is going, and
the toothpick demonstrates the fact that the wire is
going under the 2 (two) orbital rings and between the
2 (two) vertical rings.
Image: figure10.jpg
Add the next bead as shown.
Continue to add the beads until all of the beads have
been added using the same technique as described in
Step 7.
Image: figure11.jpg
This figure shows the underside of the bracelet as
the beads are being woven into the bracelet. The red lines
indicate the beading wire as it appears on the underside of
the bracelet.
Image: figure12.jpg
Step 8.
Crimp the beading wire as close as possible to the
orbital ring and the last bead.
Add the clasp of your choice to the bracelet.

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