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Half Persian 3 Sheet 6 in 1
(Stitch Method)
Article © MAIL User: Falgoriend

Half Persian 3 Sheet 6 in 1

I find it helpful to first learn a weave by adding one ring at a time and then later move on to speed-weaving it. Stitching a weave one at a time helps me to understand the basic principles involved and thus remember the weave better in the end.

1. Start with a Half Persian 3 in 1 chain

Image: hp3s61.jpg

2. Add a ring that passes around the eye between the rightmost two red rings.

Image: hp3s62.jpg

3. The next ring goes through that eye and around the next eye to the left. Close it and repeat going through one eye and around the next with each ring.

Image: hp3s63.jpg

4. Note that the last ring in the row only goes through an eye and not around one.

Image: hp3s64.jpg

5. Repeat until you have the desired number of rows.

Image: hp3s65.jpg

Image: hp3s66.jpg

Now once you figure this out go read Tesserex’s tutorial (Half Persian 3 Sheet 6 in 1 (from CGMaille)) and learn to speedweave it.
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