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Article © MAIL User: cliffordparker

Barrel is a weave that Susan Richards,aka Kali, posted on the (Wearable Art Forum). I developed the "speedweaving" technique for my classes, took the pictures, and posted it here with her permission. This weave works well with around an AR of 3.5. I am using 18g (.046/1.16mm) 5356 bright aluminum wrapped on a 3.5mm (.138 or about 9/64) mandrel.

Step #1. Close two rings and attach them with one ring to make 1-2 sets.
Image: barrel001.jpg
Step #2. Connect the first 1-2 set to your clasp with an open ring.
Image: barrel002.jpg
Step #3. Put an open ring through the double rings.
Image: barrel003.jpg
Step #4. Turning the ring backwards slightly, put the ring through the single ring of the 1-2 set.
Image: barrel004.jpg
Step #5. Put another open ring through the eye created by the two horizontal rings and attach the next 1-2 set.
Image: barrel005.jpg
Step #6. Repeat steps 3-5 to continue your chain to the desired length.
Image: barrel006.jpg
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