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Flat Full Persian 5 in 1 Chain
Article © MAIL User: Andrew

Flat Full Persian 5 in 1 Chain.
This weave is more flexible than Full Persian 6 in 1 and lays flatter as bracelets and necklaces etc.

(EDIT (ZiLi): This weave works well down to an AR of ~5.3; the imho optimal range is between 5.5 and 6; I tested up to 6.8, that remained looking well)

In this tutorial i have colour coded the different rows.
Red and blue (starting Half Persian 3 in 1 chain) and green and yellow.

Step 1
Start off with a chain of hp 3in1 lying upside down.
Image: 1flatfp.jpg

Step 2
Add 1 ring around each eye in the "blue" row. When you've done that, position them so that they are all lying in a perpendicular direction to the red rings.
Image: 2flatfp.jpg

Step 3
Add a ring that goes through the eye of the first 2 "green" rings and around the eye of the first 2 "red" rings.
Image: 3flatfp.jpg

Step 4
Add another ring, but this time it goes around the eye of the first 2 "green" rings then through the eye of the 2nd and 3rd "green" rings and then around the eye of the 2nd and 3rd "red" rings.
Image: 4flatfp.jpg
The yellow and green rings should be starting to form an hp 3in1 chain now, keep it up.

Step 5
Repeat step 4 until you have reached the end of your chain, good luck.
Image: 5flatfp.jpg

I hope you had fun and managed to learn this awesome weave.

If you have any questions, comments or criticisms send me a pm or an email.

Andrew. :)
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