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Dense Byzantine Sheet
Article © MAIL User: MrMaigo

UPDATE: It seems this isn't TRUE Byzantine sheet but "Dense Byzantine Sheet." I've finally seen true Byz sheet and it's ugly, oh well.

There are several forms of what might be considered Byzantine sheet. This is the ONE true sheet... the sheet to rule them all. Interwoven Byzantine sheet!

Gotta start with a little theory and terms: connector rings have two forms, "Ups" and "Flats," very simple, explains itself. "Wings" will be the ends that stick out of the connectors, "Flaps" will be the rings that fold over the "Flats" without passing through them. The Ups and Flats are always checkerboard. In Byzantine sheet, Flats are connected to each other by their Wings. Flaps connect to the sheet by passing through the flap and wing next to it where they cross.
You can just look at the pictures, but I will use the terms. If you get stuck, the terms will help out.

There are many orders, this is mine.
Step 1: Starting with your piece of Byzantine chain laid out, start by connecting doubled flats (yellow) to the free wings along one side of your chain
Image: byz-sheet-1.jpg

Step 2: Put flaps (red) through the wings and flaps on the chain where they cross. They go on both sides of the newly added flats.
Image: byz-sheet-2.jpg

Step 3: Fill in doubled Ups (green) through 4 of the just added flaps (2 on each side)
Image: byz-sheet-3.jpg

Step 4: Finally, fill in the wings (blue), passing through the flap, two flats then the second flap. Repeat all the steps.
Image: byz-sheet-4.jpg
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