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Hour Glass Unit
Article © MAIL User: Nearoth

Hour Glass Unit

The picture of the weave might be enough, but if not, here's a short tutorial.

Step 1:
For a unit you need 8 rings: 2 closed and 6 open.
Image: 01.jpg
Step 2:
Use 2 open and 2 closed to create a unit like this.
Image: 02.jpg
Step 3:
Hold the unit up and slide an open ring (red) between the two middle rings (blue) and around the bottom one (green). Close it.
Image: 03.jpg Image: 03b.jpg
Step 4:
Turn it 180 degrees and put one on the other side.
Image: 05.jpg
Step 5:
Do the same on the other side,
Image: 06.jpg
and you're done.

Depending on the AR it could be harder or impossible to do.

Hope you found it useful. If you have remarks or questions you can PM or mail me.

Happy mailing, Nearoth.

- Update: I used 1,3mm Galvy rings with a 10mm ID. So a 7,7AR.
If you know more about the range of the working AR let me know.
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