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European 6 in 1
Article © MAIL User: Aderamelech

1) To start European 6 in 1, close six rings. Place them on a seventh ring. Lay them down as shown with three rings on each side.

Image: 6-11.jpg

2) Close two more rings. Take an open ring and insert it through four of the rings of your original set, two from the top and two from the bottom. Place the closed rings on the open ring.

Image: 6-12.jpg

3) Close the open ring. Continue to add in this way until you reach the desired length.

Image: 6-13.jpg

4) Make another strip of the same length.

Image: 6-14.jpg

5) Place them next to each other. Weave an open ring through three rings from the top strip and three from the bottom strip.

Image: 6-15.jpg

6) Close the open ring. Pass another open ring through the last four of the six rings that the first ring passed through, as well as two new rings.

Image: 6-16.jpg

7) Continue to close up the two strips in the same way. Continue on using the same tecniques until you reach the desired size and shape.

Image: 6-17.jpg
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