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One and a Half Half Persian 4 in 1
Article © MAIL User: Andrew

One and a Half Half Persian 4 in 1

This great weave (made by me :D) is HP 4in1 (Half Persian 4 in 1) with a extra row of stacked rings. So to start off we make a fairly loose chain of HP 4in1 (AR of 5.8, higher for more flexibility) like so.
Image: oaahhp1.jpg
Now we need to start adding the 3rd row (red).
The first two blue rings and the first two green rings each make an eye, insert the ring so that it goes through both these eyes.
Image: oaahhp2.jpg
Now we need to repeat this but this time instead of putting the ring through the eyes created by the first 2 rings we put it through the eyes created by the second and third rings. Once you have done that leave the ring open and move on to the next step.
Image: oaahhp3.jpg
Now we continue through with that ring and go through the first rings on your original HP 4in1 chain so that it lays flat like so.
Image: oaahhp4.jpg
Now apply the same method as in step 1 and 2 on the next set of eyes.
Image: oaahhp5.jpg
Now apply the same method as in step 3 but this time we need to make sure it goes through the first set of eyes.
Image: oaahhp6.jpg

Now all you need to do is repeat steps 4 and 5 till you have your beautiful chain at its desired length.
Image: oaahhp7.jpg
I hope you didn't find my tutorial too confusing and I wish you all the best in constructing this weave.

If you have any problems send me a PM or an email.

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