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Two Ring Sizes With One Mandrel
Article © MAIL User: Loke

Why to do this?
When you make Dragonscale and many orbital or scaled weaves you need two ring sizes in which the smaller ring fits inside the bigger ring. This is not possible without right mandrels (or so people say...), but this article explains how you can make two rings with only one mandrel.

Mandrels and wire aren't always of the right size. For example when your mandrel is millimeter sized and wire is gauge measured, it's very difficult to make rings for dragonscale. Another problem is when you don't have exactly the right sized mandrel. To solve this problem, you can make one coil on your mandrel, and then make a second coil by using the first coil as your new mandrel. In this article, the wire is 1.2 mm copper and the mandrel is 8 mm knitting needle. The mandrel of outer coil will be 10.5 mm (8 mm + 1.2 mm + 1.2 mm). I don't own a 10.5 mm mandrel, but now it doesn't matter anymore...

Step 1.
You need a mandrel and wire. I use a drill for winding, but it's also possible to coil by hand. If you use drill, remember: always wear goggles. There is a (slight) possibility to lose an eye.
Image: kuva1.jpg

Step 2.
Make a coil as long as you want. Be sure you make it tight or you will end up in trouble in step 3.
Image: kuva2.jpg

Step 3.
Continue the drilling just like before, but this time turn back and drill another coil over the coil of the second step. On the outer coil the rings turn in different direction than in the inner coil. That's why this trick is possible. If you drill the outer coil in same direction as the inner, the result will be too tight. Don't pull the wire too hard or the wire slips in between the inner coil. You may cover the first coil with tape to prevent it. If you hand drill you don't need to do it, unless you underestimate your strength.
Image: kuva3.jpg

Step 4.
Cut or saw the rings. Weave.
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