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Cobra / Hinge Round
Article © MAIL User: Tesserex

First off, let me say that this tutorial is not going to be easy. The pictures can get confusing, but I skewered the piece on a pencil, which probably would help you too. This piece is stainless 5/16 16g. It's a bit loose because of springback, galvy in the same size is tighter.

1. Start with a 10 row piece of Cobra / Hinge. My missing rows are a down left and up right. We want the up right row to be connected last. It is much easier to finish off with an up row.
Image: 1.jpg

2. Roll the sides of the piece over a pencil if possible. We are creating the down left row now, so run a ring through the two rings on the bottom left (red), part of the down right row, and also downward through the one ring below it (green). In the picture, you are viewing the connection from the bottom so my directions are reversed. Then run the open ring downward through one ring on top (green). The red rings are the normal euro connection, and the green are the mobifying rings.
Image: 2.jpg

3. Repeat the last connection, but make sure this ring goes under the previous one, as in any euro weave.
Image: 3.jpg

4. Continue until the end of the row. Yes, the picture is a little blurry.
Image: 4.jpg

5. Now, we begin the up row, which is now facing left instead of right because we turned it upside down. Weave an open ring through the two rings shown on bottom and then the same two on top. We are only making a one ring European connection instead of two because it is the start of the row. Blue is the ring we're adding. Notice that the red rings are the ones we mobiused earlier.
Image: 5.jpg

6. Repeat this connection, but there are the normal 4 euro rings this time. The colors should explain the rest.
Image: 6.jpg

7. Continue to the end and you have a completed piece of Cobra / Hinge Round! (You can remove the pencil now.)
Image: 7.jpg
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