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Half Persian 3 in 1 Flip
Article © MAIL User: Tesserex

Half Persian 3 in 1 Flip

This chain is essentially Half Persian 3 in 1 with each two ring unit flipped upside down from the last. If extended to a sheet, it forms Half Persian 3 Sheet 4 in 1. There is more interesting theory behind it, but this is just how to construct it.

1. Link three rings together and lay them as shown.

Image: flip1.jpg

2. Run a ring through the eye from the last step behind the middle ring, and add a closed ring to it. You could do it in front instead, I think that would result in opposite handedness.

Image: flip2.jpg

3. Now run another open ring through the eye between the added closed ring from the last step and the ring on the same plane below it. This time it goes in front. Add a closed ring to it.

Image: flip3.jpg

4. Yet another through-the-eye connection, behind this time, and a closed ring added. Note that the addition of a closed ring is in lieu of an "around the eye" step, essential to Persian weaves.

Image: flip4.jpg

5. Continue this process of adding rings in front and behind so that they stagger, instead of making staircases like you normally see in HP 3-1. Finish the chain by not adding a closed ring at the end.

Image: flip5.jpg
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