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Cutting Coils - Hollow Tube
Article © MAIL User: Nearoth

Here is a little tip I haven't yet seen on the net.

I found that when cutting rings (especially rings that are small, light, or rings that need a lot of pressure to cut), they tend to fly around the room when cutting them.

So I started using scoobies and other wire to catch the rings as they were cut, although rings can hook on some fiber wires.
Image: 008.jpg Image: 018.jpg
This enabled me to cut rings anywhere, without having to pluck rings out of peoples' hair.

Now I use a saw to cut the rings but still use wire (mostly fishingline) to catch the rings and a technique I borrowed from Stargazer from his article "Cutting Coils Flush and Easy".
I use a piece of wood with a hole drilled in it to fit the coil.
Image: 015.jpg Image: 016.jpg
On the side I cut a slit in the wood so I can fit the saw (or dremel) into it to cut the rings without bending them.
For some softer materials, like brass, I also use a rod inside the coil for extra stiffness. I hold the coil clamped onto the rod with a small clamp.
Image: 019.jpg
You can also just use the rod, but I advise cutting a slit into that one first or else your saw can get blunt very quickly or just break.

Happy mailing, Nearoth

Ps. for more info you can always IM me.
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