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Byzee Beez to Butterflies
Article © MAIL User: MaxumX

This is a tutorial to show how to make one of my favorite weaves, Byzee Beez to Butterflies, made upon request and in a hurry. So here it is quick and dirty. Ring size used for this tutorial: 20g (.030) 1/8(.125) ID, you can also use 9/64 (.140)for a larger look and you can double the center ring without having to rely on the spring back.

Step One: Open six rings and close six rings.

Image: byzbuterfly_opensixclosesix.jpg

Step Two: Add four closed rings to one opened one.

Image: byzbuterfly_stepone.jpg

Step Three: Close ring and add a second one through the same four rings as the first.

Image: byzbuterfly_steptwo.jpg

Step Four: Arrange in a 2 in 2 chain and add one more section of 4 rings.

Image: byzbuterfly_stepthree.jpg

Step Five: Rearrange the rings as if you were to make Byzantine.

Image: byzbuterfly_stepfour.jpg

Step Six: Make a second piece just as the first and connect where shown.

Image: byzbuterfly_stepfive.jpg

Step Seven: Don't forget to add the bottom.

Image: byzbuterfly_stepsix.jpg

Step Eight: Continue Steps One to Seven until you have what you need, and you are done.

Image: byzbuterfly_final.jpg
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