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One Hour Less Sleep Backwards
Article © MAIL User: Jessean

One Hour Less Sleep

Weave & Instructions by Jessean
using one by Zlosk as a base

This weave, though very loose, works best using rings with an aspect ratio around 6.4 (after springback).
This works out to:

14 ga. (.080") x .512" (about 1/2") I.D.
16 ga. (.062") x .397" (about 3/8") I.D.
18 ga. (.045") x .288" (about 1/4") I.D.
20 ga. (.032") x .205" (about 3/16") I.D.
22 ga. (.025") x .160" (about 5/32") I.D.
24 ga. (.020") x .128" (about 1/8") I.D.
Steps 1 - 7 require (18) rings.
Each step 8 requires another (8) rings.

For this instruction set, new rings are gold and existing rings are silver..

Image: jessstep1.jpg
1. Make a 2-4-2-4 chain.
Image: jessstep2.jpg
2. Move the center rings to the left and scrunch them together as shown.
Image: jessstep3.jpg
3. Add a ring through 6 existing rings. Notice how the postition of the
ring differs from the original One Hour Less Sleep.
Image: jessstep4.jpg
4. Add a ring through 6 existing rings (same as step 3, but on the opposite
Image: jessstep5.jpg
5. Add a 2-4 chain. Note that the 2 go through 4 existing rings.
Image: jessstep6.jpg
6. Move the center rings to the left and scrunch them together as shown
(same as step 2).
Image: jessstep7.jpg
7. Add 2 rings (same as steps 3 and 4).
8. Keep on repeating steps 5 through 7 until the chain is as long as required.
Have Fun!

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