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European 4 in 1: Isosceles Triangle
(With Preclosed Rings)
Article © MAIL User: ~Mical~

This article is written for those who have ever had trouble making a triangle from European 4 in 1.

*This method involves making a 3-row ribbon and also doing 2 rows at once, so you'll need a pile of closed rings and a pile of open rings before starting.

(1) Instead of starting with 4 closed rings on 1, start with 3 closed rings on 1.

Image: triangle1.jpg

(2) Next, add one open ring and two closed rings.

Image: triangle2.jpg

(3) Continue like making a ribbon adding one open ring and two closed.

Image: triangle3.jpg

(4) When the ribbon is long enough, add one open ring and one closed ring to the end.

Image: triangle4.jpg

(5) To the row with the fewest number of rings in the ribbon, add one open ring and one closed....

Image: triangle5.jpg it ends up like this.

Image: triangle6.jpg

(6) Next, put an open ring through three rings and add one closed ring.

Image: triangle7.jpg

(7) Continue until you get to the end, and then add one open ring to the three at the end.

Image: triangle8.jpg

From this point, repeat steps 5 through 7 until you finish with a single ring in the end.

Image: triangle9.jpg

Image: triangle10.jpg

Image: triangle11.jpg

And that's about it. Now, the number of rows in the triangle will depend on how wide you make the base, but the construction will be the same.


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