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Buckle Clasp
Article © MAIL User: AnglianFry

This clasp reminds me of an old belt buckle. I used 1.5mm galvy with a 1/4in mandrel.

First make one coil on the mandrel
Image: fryclasp1j.jpg

Now using the same mandrel bend the wire back to the original coil.
Image: fryclasp2j.jpg

Next wrap the wire around the mandrel once more
Image: fryclasp3j.jpg

Clip the ends of the wire and tuck them under the extending loop
Image: fryclasp4j.jpg

Make a second clasp and they should join like so
Image: fryclasp5j.jpg

Now to make the two work well together takes a bit of manipulation.
First I placed the extending loop back onto the mandrel and using my pliers bent the wire in closer to the mandrel. This helps keep them from separating up too easily. Next I bent the links to lay together, see highlighted section in picture. Last I rolled the connecting links in closer to shorten the length of the clasp.
Image: fryclasp9j.jpg

My first attempt
Image: fryclasp7j.jpg

I enjoy the look of this clasp as it mimics the piece it is in (having the same ring diameter and material). I hope you enjoy it!
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