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Digital Photographing
Article © MAIL User: Tesserex

I read the other article about photographing maille, and realized that I don't usually follow its guidelines and I can still get good pictures. So here what I have found to be the basic rules.

You can use flash, in fact, I recommend it. Flash causes better focus, because when you use a flash, the camera needs less light, so it holds the shutter open for less time. Therefore it won't blur so much.

If you aren't getting a good focus, you have one main problem. You're standing too close! I never got good pictures until I figured this out. I hold the camera at least 18-24 inches away and use zoom when necessary. You may have to stand farther back with your camera.

I do agree with using a neutral background. For my pictures it's usually a sheet of paper, when I'm photographing stainless. If you're getting a terrible glare with your flash, it's again because you're too close. Standing farther away helps this, as the light will dissipate more before reaching the camera. You can also shoot at an angle.
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