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Staggered Corduroy Net
Article © MAIL User: RunVitki

The Net pattern of the Staggered Corduroy Row (SCR) geometrically expands itself in a hexagon pattern. Therefore, it is nearly impossible (at least, for me) for figure out an accurate ratio for the number of large rings to small rings. For the sizes of the rings and wire gauges, see the Article for the original SCR pattern: Staggered Corduroy With Japanese Overlay. As long as you have at least three times as many 4-in-1 groups as you have of large rings, you will not run out until your project is finished.

Image: scn1.jpg
1) Connect three 4-in-1 clusters to a single ring. Already, you can see a triangular pattern, which will become the corners of the hexagon.

Image: scn2.jpg
2) On one of the clusters off of that ring, add a large ring (making sure that the small connector ring of the 4-in-1 stays parallel to the large rings in true SCR style. Add two other clusters to the newly added ring. This is one side and two corners of the hexagon.

Image: scn3.jpg
3) Hexagons have six sides. Therefore, repeat Step 2 four more times, connecting the last ring to only one loose cluster, and connecting back to a cluster on the first ring added. Make sure that all of the loose clusters are on the OUTSIDE of the hexagon. Having clusters on the inside will cause repeated swearing and add more work.

Image: scn4.jpg
4) Add another large ring with two clusters to one of the loose clusters of the first hexagon. You have begun the second hexagon which already has three sides.

Image: scn5.jpg
5) Using information from Step 3, complete the second hexagon. If the second hexagon does not have more clusters added to it, the pattern will shortly end.

Image: scn6.jpg
6) Here's a shot of another hexagon added to the form.

This weave is very loose, and while it doesn't lose its shape, it might be too flimsy for some weavers' tastes. Therefore, if you wish to add an extra large ring into the empty spaces in the centers of the hexagons, a "13th" ring, if you will, since it would connect with 12 others, it will look like this:

Image: scnw1.jpg Image: scnw2.jpg
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