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(CGI; Preclose Small Rings)
Article © MAIL User: Tesserex

This Dragonscale tutorial starts with open large rings and pre-closed small rings.

1. Start by making a row of alternating large and small rings as long as the piece should be.

Image: dragon1.jpg

2. Make another row of the same number of links, but ending with small rings instead of large rings. Lay it over the first row as shown.

Image: dragon2.jpg

3. Add a large ring through the small ring as shown, and add a closed small ring.

Image: dragon3.jpg

4. Add another large ring through the same small as before and the one you added, and add another closed small ring.

Image: dragon4.jpg

5. Complete the row this way, ending with a large ring.

Image: dragon5.jpg

6. Add a large ring through the 2 small rings as shown, and add 2 small rings.

Image: dragon6.jpg

7. Finish this row the same way as steps 4 and 5. Add as many rows as you want this way.
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