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(CGI; Stitch Method)
Article © MAIL User: Eli

Roundmaille is a simple variation of the normal European 4 in 1. It makes great looking chains and can be converted into a sheet. This variation gives a nice looking cylindrical shape.

White rings are newly added rings. Orange rings are rings the new rings pass through. Yellow rings are rings that are moved as part of the making. Green rings are rings already added to the weave.

1. Make a 5 rings wide strip of European 4 in 1. Note that the Roundmaille will end up being shorter than the starting patch:
Image: round01.jpg
2. Fold the rings at the bottom of the 4in1 patch upwards, forming a tubular shape. The result should look like this:
Image: round02.jpgImage: round03.jpg
3. Pass a new ring through the top four rings you folded:
Image: round04.jpgImage: round05.jpg
4. Fold the next pair of rings:
Image: round06.jpgImage: round07.jpg
5. Pass a new ring through the top two rings you folded and the two topmost rings of the last folded part:
Image: round08.jpgImage: round09.jpg
6. Continue stitching the 4in1 patch until you reach its top. You can add three rings at the top to hold the last section in shape:
Image: round10.jpgImage: round11.jpg
Here's a rendering of a Roundmaille in steel and copper:
Image: round12.jpg
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