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Box Chain
(CGI; Stitch Method)
Article © MAIL User: Eli

Stitching [weave=Box Chain]

This weave is a simple variation of the normal European 4 in 1. It makes great looking chains and can be converted to a sheet.

Silver rings are rings being added to the weave at the step. Brass-yellow rings are the rings the new ones pass through. Copper-red rings are idle rings at the step. Gold rings are rings needing further noting.

The rings in this tutorial have an AR of 5.

1. Make a strip of European 4in1. Note that the Boxchain will be shorter than the starting patch:
Image: boxchain01.jpg

2. Fold the four rings, colored gold, at the bottom of the 4in1 patch upwards, so that the result will look like this:
Image: boxchain02.jpgImage: boxchain03.jpg

3. Pass a new ring through the four rings you folded. Note how the ring holding the fivelet has moved:
Image: boxchain04.jpgImage: boxchain05.jpg

4. Fold the next pair of rings, again marked in gold:
Image: boxchain06.jpgImage: boxchain07.jpg

5. Pass a new ring through the two rings you folded and the two topmost rings of the last box:
Image: boxchain08.jpgImage: boxchain09.jpg

6. Continue stitching the 4in1 patch until you reach its top. Add a ring or two to hold the upper box in place. Two rings will make it completely symmetrical:
Image: boxchain10.jpgImage: boxchain11.jpg
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