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Japanese 6 in 1
(CGI; Row Connect)
Article © MAIL User: Bative

Speedweaving Japanese 6-1 Instructions

This is the Japanese 6 in 1 weave, once used by samurai warriors to connect varying plates together. The weave is quite loose, this was on purpose to help 'catch' the opponents weapon. Historically, only 1 ring size was used to make this weave, making is quicker and more efficient to build. For our purposes (where as the weave looks better if it keeps it's form) it is recommended that 2 ring sizes are used.
The White rings are the newly added rings, The orange rings are ring(s) in which the New ring passes through. The Green rings are rings already added to the chain.
Step 1: For Japanese 6-1 you will need 2 ring sizesImage: j6in101.jpg
Step 2: Create a 2 in 1 Chain using alternating Large and Small rings.Image: j6in102.jpg
Step 3: Now build another 1-1 chain of the same alternating links, but 1 large link shorter:Image: j6in103.jpg
Step 4: Add a smaller ring, joining the Last Large ring on the longer chain, and the last large ring on the smaller chainImage: j6in104.jpg
Step 5: Add a smaller ring joining the second last large ring on the long chain, and the last large ring on the shorter chain. like so:Image: j6in105.jpg
Step 6: Continue adding smaller rings like in steps 4 and 5 to finshing joing the 2 chainsImage: j6in106.jpg
Step 7: Add another longer chain in the same method to extend the sheet.Image: j6in107.jpg

Thanks to Eli for the Generated Pictures!
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