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Captive/Orbital Rings
Article © MAIL User: Bative

This Article was originally part of another article called "Random Bits of Bumble" but it had no real subject base, so it was broken down and made into smaller ones.. please forgive me :)
this one's really small.. sorry :(

On the subject of Captive Rings
Ok, alot of people see these as just being for decorations. As seen in Captive Inverted Round. It's a very awesome weave, I agree. It looks almost futuristic. However, there is a lot of untapped (kinda anyway) resources available to us. ever have a piece of Byzantine that was just too loose? and it never kept it form, was always flopping? Add a captive ring to each Box unit. This will stabilize the weave, never again will is fall out of place. This will work of any box unit based weave. Including: [weave=Box Chain], Byz, Box Chain 6 in 1, Roundmaille, Inverted Round, Turkish Round, Full Persian 6 in 1...
also, these rings have given new light on how to make sheet weaves out of normally only chain weaves. Such as roundmaille, captive round, full Persian round..
Another note, when you make a rather large 'round' chain (IE: roundmaille, Turkish round, inverted etc etc) when it normally would be 3 rows wide, say you make it 7. In order to keep it stable, to keep it's appearance, you must add captive rings. To get around the problem of having extra space for the captive to fall around, bump the ID of the captive rings up a bit, this will solve your problems.

As well as orbital rings. This method is seriously untapped. I believe it was Kim (sakredchao) who came up with the idea of orbital rings, and still is it very unused. Coyote took the figurative torch when he developed the Tao family. He developed and perfected Tao 4. Which I still can't get right. My Tao 3 creation showed me that there can be a lot made of this weave, we just need to figure out how to work it more.
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