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(Stitch Method)
Article © MAIL User: AMA Cobra

This article will show you how to stitch Roundmaille chain. There are two commonly accepted ways to weave Roundmaille. One is to "build" it by going ring by ring and weaving it as if you were building a tower. The second method is to make a European 4 in 1 sheet and "stitch" the sides together to make the Roundmaille. This article deals with the second method.
I have a handful of pictures to assist my tutorial. Hopefully, between my explanations and the pictures, you should be able to understand what I mean.

Step 1:

Make a segment of European 4 in 1 that is 5 rings wide:

Image: roundmaille1.jpg

Step 2:

Create a sheet of this width to be slightly longer than your intended chain. As is with European 4 in 1 the weave will contract slightly:

Image: roundmaille2.jpg

Step 3:

Take the last two rings on the first and fifth columns and fold them toward each other, creating a tubular effect with the sheet. Attach these four rings as if you were attaching two independent sheets of European 4 in 1:

Image: roundmaille3.jpg

Step 4:

Take the next ring up on each column and repeat the process used in the previous step. This is where it gets confusing to explain. Hopefully the picture will help. Attach the rings together in a European 4 in 1 fashion, being sure to attach them to the previously stitched section:

Image: roundmaille4.jpg

Step 5:

Repeat Step 4 until you have reached the end of your chain. You now have Roundmaille:

Image: roundmaille5.jpg

I hope this tutorial helps in some small way. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns please feel free to contact me.


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