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King's Maille
(European 8 in 2)
Article © MAIL User: Aderamelech

King's Maille (European 8 in 2) is generally European 4 in 1 with all the rings doubled, though one could make a king variant of any European weave (or any weave for that matter) by doubling the rings. This particular instruction set is for the standard doubled European 4-1. One could make the weave first and then add extra rings or construct the weave with the extra rings included as I've done here. These are all the same steps you would take to make a European 4-1, but using double the number of rings in each step.

1) Here I have closed eight rings and put them on another, then doubled that ring.
Image: king1.jpg

2) Now add four closed rings to the four top rings of the 8-2 set.
Image: king2.jpg

3) Now double the ring you used to attach the four closed rings in step 2. Using this technique you can go up as far as you need to. To expand to the side slide an open ring through four rings on the side of the chain.
Image: king3.jpg

4) Now and add two closed rings to the ring you added in step 3. Double that ring.
Image: king4.jpg

5) And those are all the steps you need to make any size piece of Kingsmaille you like. Enjoy.
Image: king5.jpg
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