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Article © MAIL User: cohort

Elfweave seems to work best with 4:1 AR rings (as in, 1/4" id x 1/16" (16ga) wire).

1 - Make a chain of 5 rings, laid out roughly as follows.
Image: elf_step1.jpg

2 - Link an open ring (purple) through the four side rings (blue).
Image: elf_step2.jpg

3 - Link two more rings (purple) to the side rings (blue).
Image: elf_step3.jpg

4 - Link an open ring (purple) through the four side rings (blue).
Image: elf_step4.jpg

Repeat steps three and four until you have it as long as you like.

Once you have gotten the hang of the weave, you may speedweave it using two 1-1 chains of the same length as a start and linking them together using steps two and four as above.
Image: elf_chain.jpg

Article posted by cohort with permission of weave's creator, Nadrendion
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